ils sont capable de demander a payer en 5 fois
— Philou (@philousports) September 26, 2019
Non classé
L’EXPLOIT 🤩 #CÉCIFOOT 🇫🇷 La France qualifiée pour les Jeux Paralympiques #Tokyo2020 : En remportant leur demi-finale face à la Turquie 3-1 les Bleus assurent leur billet pour le Japon et joueront mardi la finale de l’EURO #Roma2019 face à l’Espagne.
— FFHandisport (@FFHandisport) September 22, 2019
— what have you done (@itsNVSV) August 11, 2019
the kitchen sink in the house I rented for 2yrs
— leen (@sflakesmasher86) August 11, 2019
I think I could win on cringey-ness factor alone 😬😬😬
— MelonCollieFlower 🍉🐕🌸 (@TheMelindaBeast) August 11, 2019
(Dat’s me. I have been /waiting/ for the opportunity to unveil this masterpiece of architectural design. Please enjoy)
— FrAmBOisieR (@framboisier24) August 12, 2019
reply with the worst design/architecture picture you have
— sarah schauer 🦂 (@SJSchauer) August 10, 2019
— mae (@_maehanson) August 11, 2019
love a toilet slide
— 🌻deven🌻 (@lil_kombucha) August 11, 2019
— oski (@typohoe) August 11, 2019